We're halfway! Summer 2017 Review



2017 is shaping up to be a lovely summer for the campers and staff visiting Farrington Nature Linc! Despite a rainy July, we've had 20 visits, from 14 programs, and served over 600 youth so far this summer. Our Experience Field Trips (one time visit) have introduced many children to farm animals, our pond, our garden, the woods, and even to a new water color art project. Our rabbits and baby goat have been big hits!

We've also held 4 overnights so far this summer, despite sleeping in the barn because of rain for 2 of them. Thankfully, the rain jackets we purchased this summer (Thank you Boston Bruins Foundation!) worked great! Having them on hand has allowed us to go outside every day no matter the weather!

In addition, we have 3 summer Explore partners this summer: Cambridge Adventure Daycamp, Daybreak Camp, and Charlesview Community. Each group came out for multiple visits over the course of the summer. In addition to our usual summer Experience activities, the Explore campers get to pick a Nature Club of their choice, themed around Animals, Water, Garden, or Forest. We're looking forward to our final visits from CADC and Daybreak next week, with cookouts and obstacle courses in the works.

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