First Parish Work Day 2015

groupOn Saturday, April 18th First Parish Lincoln held a service day at Farrington. They helped us Wake Up the Garden and get the property ready for our spring and summer visiting youth. We accomplished so many things in a short period of time due to their strength and spirit! The pictures in the slideshow below (taken by Janet Boynton) show many of them in action. Over the course of the morning we:

Built a composter Spread wood chips on the vegetable garden paths Weeded the veggie beds Weeded the pollinator garden in front of the barn Cleaned and swept the activity barn Cleaned and swept out the stone barn Washed the windows in the farm house office (where we run winter programming) Split wood and stacked it for summer campfires Removed trees and vines from the pond trail

and many other small tasks

We are grateful for the help of the FPL church members who came to join us.

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