Farrington Nature Linc

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July 2020 Teen Extend Summer Program

Our summer didn’t look much like our typical summer where we host field trips and camps, but we were able to have a few of our teen staff and their younger siblings on site for some much needed nature time. Teens were able to help their younger siblings with nature-related activities such as planting and harvesting vegetables in the garden, taking care of our goats and spending time in the pond. 

It was also a summer of learning for our teens. We had workshops and presentations on Native Lands, learned about land acknowledgements, had meaningful conversations about race, land and ownership. Teens also presented research on environmental justice and climate change.

We were able to deepen our connection with our teen staff families and were able to explore the property in Lincoln in new ways. We went on hikes, weeded the garden, caught frogs in the pond and ate lots and lots of blackberries. 

There were also new outdoor experiences that we were able to have off site! Chip-In Farm invited us to smile and breathe with baby goat yoga. Tree Top Adventures offered us a change to get up into the air for the day on their high ropes course, complete with zip lines.